Sell Textbooks

This service is provided to students of SCC and SAC only. Student ID will be requested.

Prices are not guaranteed and are subject to change without notice.

To begin, simply enter the required information about your textbooks below.

Check Buyback Prices
Condition of the book when you purchased it:
Login now, or create an account to automatically save your buyback list

If no price is indicated, please bring your book to our store for current pricing

All buyback prices generated on this system are subject to change based on the condition of the book and the inventory needs of the Hawk Bookstore.

Hawk Bookstore Buyback Policy

Textbook buyback is open continually most of the year. You'll get the highest price for your books during finals week and the first week of classes every semester. No receipt is needed.

The Buyback list consists of those titles which have been selected by faculty for each term.

Textbooks on the Buyback list will be bought back for up to 1/2 of the price you paid.

If we cannot buy back your textbook, it is for one of the following reasons:

  • The instructor has requested a different book than was used last semester
  • The course has been dropped from the curriculum
  • We already have a full quota of books for the course
  • The publisher has advised us of a forthcoming new edition
  • The textbook has gone out of print
  • The textbook is in poor condition (water damage, etc.)
  • The course is offered only once a year or every other year
  • We have not received a request from faculty to provide the book
  • We cannot buy back tapes, computer software, or workbooks

NOTE: As a courtesy to students, the Bookstore will provide for a used book wholesaler, College Book Co., to make you an offer on most of the books the Bookstore cannot buy. You will get the most for your books during finals week, because our need is greatest at that time.

Expiration date for this estimate: